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Really Reeka



I am, Reeka.


 Jamaican by nationality, blessed by birth. A lover of all things pink (see lifestyle for further details), an avid thinker, and one who aspires to be greater one day.


I enjoy thinking that this blog was solely inspired by many late night thoughts, my  not so bland life, and constantly being told I should write a book.

But truly,  i'm inspired by everything, so this blog will have a bit of just that, and my old soul looks forward eagerly to taking you on the tedious journey of Being Brianne.


 You'll find stories you relate to, and many that you won't. Now, while I can't promise the endings will always offer great results or much happiness, what I can promise is something real, something pure, and something passionate.


 On this journey, I hope we- whoever you are that is reading this- grow. I hope lessons are learnt and even if it hurts, I hope this touches us both, I hope this helps us on whatever journey we partake on in the real world, simply because,  when it's all said, felt and done, we all do indeed have, une vie a plien bord- a life, full to it's brim.


this is the sin'derella project.



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